Meet The Dogs
The dogs are the real stars of the team. Our love and compassion for these athletes is HUGE and we want you to be able to learn about each of these incredible and spirited pups. Each dog brings unique strengths, energy, and personality to the kennel. Together they create a very special and successful team. The dogs are all a part of Shameless Huskies Kennel in Willow Alaska, owned by Kathleen Frederick.
This up and coming two year old is already a star! He is part of the luxury car litter. During his first year of competition he ran every race, finishing all of them! Reliable, trusting, and incredibly resilient, Lambo has a bright future.
Lambo is sponsored by Erica Bindas and Leah Smith!

Lead Dog: $300 // Team Dog: $300 // Wheel Dog: $300
Docile and handsome, Qnut is friends with all of his teammates. His calm demeanor is always appreciated when the going gets rough.
Q'nut is sponsored by Stephanie Ray and Jason Merrill!

Porsche is the sweetest! She’s always ready for a hug and a snuggle by greeting everyone paws first. At two years old Porsche is super smart and eager to please - great leader qualities! She is a part of the luxury car litter.
Porsche is sponsored by the Murken Family!

Groom Boi
Our sweet and gentle giant, Groom is the biggest boy on the team. He is an Iditarod finisher. He is happiest when leading with his mom Hope or his bestie Nala.
Groom Boi is sponsored by Ms. Strandberg’s 3rd Graders from Burnside Elementary School in Red Wing Minnesota!

This happy go lucky young guy is a firecracker! It will be Champagne’s first year racing and we can’t wait for his boundless energy to join the team.
Champagne is sponsored by the Hunter-Gans family!

Gabby, Gabby-doo, Gabanna is Anna’s retired girl from Minnesota. You can find her rooting around for treats, leading fun runs for puppies, napping in the dogsled or chasing the race team out of the chute. At twelve years old she still loves to show off her beautiful lope and prove that she can run like the wind.

Rolls, Roly Poly, Rolly Baby is our social butterfly. You can find him twirling for attention outside of his dog house, staying awake at checkpoints for extra attention, or flirting with whichever female is nearest to him. He loves to run next to his brother Beamer. This will be Rolls’ second year racing. He’s on his way to becoming one of the core race dogs on the team.
Rolls is sponsored by Sebastian and Ronan Roesler!

This wiggly bundle of joy is famous for his signature one ear up, one ear down look. Vying for position as a core race team dog, Beamer thrives when running at below zero temps. Always next to his brother Rolls of course. At just two years old, this will be his second year racing. He is a rising star for sure.
Beamer is sponsored by the Minnesota Land Trust!

Nala (Bing Bong)
Nala is just like her nickname Bing Bong. You can find her bounding back and forth while tilting her head to the side as she watches to see what you will do next. She is curious, playful and sometimes extremely stubborn. Nala has finished multiple 300 mile races and is a core race dog. She loves leading with Groom Boi so that she can boss him around.
Nala is sponsored by Sarah Andersen, Nola Motschenbacher, and Chad DeRosier!

This boy is on the way to becoming one of our most trustworthy race dogs. He proved himself in 2023 during his first year of racing when he ran every single race for the kennel and finished them all too! Regal is sweet and shy but incredibly trusting of his favorite people. He has an endlessly positive attitude.
Regal is sponsored by Meredith Freshley and Chase Edgerton!

Diggins is fierce and protective of her team, her pack, and her food! She’s both driven and resilient and loves to work. Once you win her over Digs is endlessly sweet and loving. When not running with the team, Diggins lives in Minnesota with Emily Ford.
Diggins is sponsored by Connie Sargent!

Tiny but mighty, Llama is a fierce and driven leader of the team. You can find her almost exclusively in lead especially when the going gets rough. If moved back in the team she will chew her neckline in protest. Llama is incredibly intelligent and seems to eerily understand the english language. She is an experienced Iditarod finisher and at eight years old is still going strong.
Llama is sponsored by Gigglewood Lakeside Inn!
Llama is lucky to be double sponsored by Lenore Thacker and Kim Bown!

Our queen bee, Hope, is a mother to many in the yard. Her soulful eyes don’t miss a thing and you can often find her observing her offspring from the comfort of her doghouse. She is the first to start the post dinner howl each night. Hope is an Iditarod finisher. She is also a very reliable leader who can run with anyone and she has trained many of our younger leaders.
Hope is sponsored by Dave and Patsy Coleman!

Yukon Gold (Blondie)
Yukon is an up-and-coming yearling who will be debuting as a race dog this year! She is sweet as pie and wildly affectionate. Always eager to please we have high hopes for little Yukon becoming a leader.
Yukon is sponsored by Kim Carswell!

Wizard (Wiz)
Wizard is a vocal boy who always has something to say, especially if it’s about how long it takes the dinner bucket to get to his bowl. Often wild and unpredictable in the dog yard, Wizard surprised us all by becoming a no-nonsense incredibly focused leader! We are excited to see what this two year old achieves this year!
Wizard is sponsored by Paula Ford and Scott Bechtel!

Fiesty Burger
Fiesty is our biggest cheerleader. Hundreds of miles into a race you can find her repeatedly bouncing on her front paws while barking at her teammates to get moving. Fiesty is an experienced race dog and is happiest when running next to her best friend and sister Laurakins.
Feisty Burger is sponsored by Beth and Erick Westerback!

Laurakins takes her job very seriously and is one of our most enthusiastic athletes. You can always count on her to be doing her absolute best. Laurakins is an Iditarod finisher and reliable lead dog.
Laurakins is sponsored by Black Dog Animal Hospital in Red Wing Minnesota!

Ashley is the princess of the dog yard and she makes sure everyone knows it. Loyal and intelligent Ashley is one of our best leaders. Her forward momentum even in the most difficult conditions makes her a superb athlete. This girl has a big season ahead of her and is sure to be a key race dog. Ashley was raised by Lucia Chacron.
Ashley is sponsored by "Grandpa" Mark Hennessy!

A very versatile athlete, Aurora can run in lead, team, and wheel. She is nimble and quick, also small but strong. She raced and finished every race last season and is also an Iditarod finisher! She has a great attitude and can be trusted to be ready for anything.
Aurora is sponsored by Gunflint Lodge!

This sweet girl is even keel as can be. A very experienced racer, Honor can be called on if you need a pinch hit leader or if you just need a good puppy kiss.
Honor is sponsored by Kathy Gallagher!

Bruiser (Bruisey Baby)
Shy but incredibly loving, Bruiser is one of the first to let out his signature yelp to cheer on his teammates to "keep going!" He is well liked by every dog in the kennel. He has a beautiful trot and prefers to lead with Ashley.
Bruiser is sponsored by Bob Gagner!

Odyssey gives off big teenage boy vibes and has constant bedhead. Edgy on the outside and tender on the inside this boy requires a little extra attention, especially when putting his booties on. Most days you can find him running in wheel trying to catch up to his twin brother Illiad to start an argument!
Odyssey is sponsored by the Diener Family!

Our wild man Iliad, brother to Odyssey, is one of our stand out new leaders. He is always ready for the next challenge. You can count on him to be giving 110% all the time. He is sweet, affectionate, and quite the head turner with his shaggy black and caramel coat.
Iliad is also sponsored by the Diener Family!

Our newest addition to the kennel is Metallica, affectionately called MT or Tal. Her single half blue half brown eye turns a lot of heads, but what’s even more striking is her poise and quiet confidence when running. She has a beautiful smooth trot and is a no fuss kind of girl who isn’t afraid of hard work. A little bashful at first, Metallica is a whole bundle of love once she warms up to new company.
Metallica is sponsored by Jackie Hennessy! (Thanks mom!)

This four year old gem just had a litter of puppies last spring and is back in training! Charlotte has a great attitude is one of our happiest dogs. You can find her running around the yard carrying her food dish in her mouth, always ready for the next meal. She has a beautiful trot and and the sweetest awwwrrroooo when she howls.
Charlotte is sponsored by Women on the Water - Cory Dack and Friends!

“That’s a lot of dog” we always say when we harness Jetter before a run: a lot of energy, enthusiasm, affection, fur, and legs. Emotional and intelligent Jetter spends his time quietly observing the world, until the harnesses come out that is! He is one of hardest drivers on the team and is becoming a trusted leader.
Jetter is sponsored by the Braaten Family!
This wild girl is highly social. Spunky is really truly ready for anything at any time. She has an incredible positive attitude and is one of the biggest cheerleaders on the team - She’s one of the first to start barking to run when the team is stopped right along with her brother Bruiser. Oh and we can’t forget her appetite: everyone better watch out when Spunky is around. She’ll eat her food then chow her neighbor’s food too!
Spunky is Sponsored by Tom and Lori Cashman!